Friday, March 21, 2008

An Act of Providence

I’d like to tell you about an experience I had that made me reflect and left lots of joy in my heart. One evening I had strong chestpains: I was taken urgently to hospital, had a big scare but it was nothing serious. After a few days in hospital an acquaintance and neighbouring hospital bed patient came to visit me. She sat down on my bed and started to talk about her painful life and her poor sick heart. Her words and tears flowed out like a stream; that evening she wanted to expel and free herself of all her pain. In the end with a sigh she said: ”I feel better now, and finally I can fall asleep...” She sat sat on her own bed at peace, then looking at me sweetly she said: “I would be pleased to offer you a coffee but...” She turned her head and started her voyage in the land of dreams free and happy... A doubt arose in my mind... “That my bad turn was only an excuse to support without knowing it a mysterious act of Providence?” Mimma (translate by Diliana)


We all generally know of if when used in the form “Divine Providence” but it could also be used to mean a mysterious and favourable occurrance or coincidence in occasion of giving help and support to others during our daily lives. It is something that is in our sub-conscious and makes us do things for the good of others, or things to help others who are in a precarious situation. For example does it ever occur to you that a moment after thinking about someone the telephone or door bell rings, and it is just that person you were thinking of in need of your help? We can say that man possess a surprising potential which favours living together in the human world, and which we should coltivate and learn about more. Meanwhile, it would be enough just to stay calm and listen within oneself and to who speaks to our hearts. Mimma (translate by Diliana)