Thursday, April 24, 2008


One evening , during the stay in hospital of my gravely sick mother, after a long day of assisting and caring for her, I went home tired and exhausted. I had stayed a little longer with my mother that evening and I had just managed to catch the last bus at 11pm. I was alone on the bus, but after a few stops two young men got on: they came upto me and asked for my purse. With courtesy I refused to give it to them. So then they insulted me and threatened to hit me if I screamed for help. In my mind I called out for the help of my Custodian Angel and very calmly told them of the pain I was suffering because my mother was about to leave me and this life and asked them if they had a mother... They didn’t answer but very slowly they went away; they had participated with passion in my suffering and became good. Mimma (translate by Diliana)

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