Friday, January 11, 2008


A few weeks ago we made some reflections upon the old man and the new man. Wherefore the new man is the young man, who won over the old man because he renwed and purified himself: he is the man who has an inner joy. He has a very strong reality, is courageous, and doesn’t fear neither man or suffering: he is above all of this, of every pain because in their place he puts compassion and forgiveness. So you could say that joy isn’t something but Someone; joy is someone at peace with themselves and others and comunicates the force with which they do lovely and good things at all ages. So we often see old suffering people who are young because they are joyful and young people who are old because they haven’t got joy in their hearts. Even Jesus on the Cross, in spite of his suffering and martyrdom, had joy in his heart because he said to thief: “Today you will enter heaven with me”. We wish everyone will have lots of joy in their hearts. Mimma (translate by Diliana)

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