Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Waiting

We are living the days waiting for Christmas. It should be a peaceful and joyful waiting with a look within ours souls and towards heaven. But instead, if we go to a big shopping centre we come out feeling dazed and them you remain shocked by a huge mass of people who continue to fill shopping baskets and trolleys with anything that glitters. Then at home we realise that a lot of the things we bought are useless and clutters up our homes. So where is the poverty that we all hear about? Roberto Benigni preaching The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, becomes topical because he blends in with the audience, especially with those who suffer, and he evokes sensations, eternal values and gives a message of honesty and wisdom which touches you deeply. The most urgent need to deal with is our spiritual need not the material need: the need which doesn’t make you see the hungry, or the homeless and who experiments with Dante:...”come sa di sale lo pane altrui e come รจ duro calle lo scendere e salir per l’altrui scale” (roughly translated means “How good tasting is the bread of others and how hard it is to go up and down the stairs for others.” ) Best Wishes for Christmas to all foreigners. Mimma (translate by Diliana)

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